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We make build communication and know each other, we also have the same commitment to find a true partner for marriage. On May 25, , Luis came to Indonesia Jakarta and meet me for real. Ending, August 25, Luis back again to Indonesia and we go to Ambon City to meet my parents and talk about our relationship and he wants to marry me.
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Ben blij dat ik mijn liefde heb gevonden en ik ben echt trots op haar ik dank Muslima. Firstly, I would like to thank Allah for guiding to signup with Muslima. Secondly, I would like to thank the great Muslima team who has come up with this site.
Well, I have found my partner in February and we got married in May Regards, TS. My name is Silah and I am a convert of Islam. I converted over a year ago, and it was very hard for me to find a decent Muslim man. On the site I was able to create a very detailed profile and review others in hope of finding the one for me.
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